Welcome, we are excited that you are joining us in an online pre-college engineering program! Now that you have accepted our offer of admission, please follow these important steps to prepare for an unforgettable summer experience.

Steps 1 - 4. General Enrollment

You've accepted your offer—what's next? Within 24–72 hours, the Registrar ([email protected]) will email your JHED ID and activation instructions. After activating your JHED account, you'll enroll in your course. Staff from the Engineering Innovation will review and approve your enrollment within 24 - 48 hours. Once enrolled, JHU Student Accounts will generate your bill within 24–48 hours, which you can view in JHU SIS. Full payment is due within 5 business days of registration. Carefully follow the steps below.

Technical Assistance with JHED
If you’re having any technical issues related to JHED, contact the JHU IT Help Desk at 410-516-4357 or [email protected] for assistance. 

What is my JHED and how do I activate it?
Your JHED is a user name and password that enables you to access many web-based applications at Johns Hopkins. Once you accept the offer of admission, within 24 – 72 hours the registrar ([email protected]) will email you your JHED ID with instructions about how to activate your account. You may also find instructions on activating your JHED in the application portal in Slate, or here. It takes at least one day from the the time you accept the offer before you can activate your JHED. It is important to remember your JHED ID (user name) and password, after you set up your JHED.

Log into My JHED
After activating your account, login by visiting the MY JHU website.
User name: [email protected] (your JHED ID followed by @jh.edu–and use “jh.edu,” not “jhu.edu”)

NOTE: if you previously took a course through Johns Hopkins and were assigned a JHED ID, please contact the EI office at [email protected] for assistance in re-activating your JHED account.

To ensure the security of JHU systems, certain logins require Multifactor Authentication (MFA). You can find more information about MFA and how to set it up by visiting the Whiting School’s multifactor authentication information. 

If your phone number changes, you will need to update the MFA. If you have access to the previous phone number and US Social Security Number (SSN), follow these instructions for Azure MFA. We recommend setting up a back-up authentication; instructions are at the end of the Azure MFA document.  

If your phone number changes and you do not have access to the old number and/or you do not have a US Social Security Number (SSN), you must call the IT@JH Help Desk at 410-516-4357. 

After you activate your JHED account, (Step 1. above), you will register for your course section. This is similar to the process that you would follow as an undergraduate at JHU. Please follow these step-by-step instructions  on the Class Section Registration Information page to register.

It takes 24-48 hours, after you are enrolled in one of our courses, for a bill to be generated by JHU Student Accounts. You will use your JHED ID to log into your JHU SIS (Student Information Services) account to access your bill. Full program payment is due within 5 business days of successfully registering for the course and section.  

Please note that the Hopkins Engineering Innovation office does not handle billing; tuition and fees are added by Student Accounts after a student has successfully registered in a course and section (Step 3. above). Please follow these instructions for making payment in SIS and establishing Authorized User Access.

How do I pay for the course?

Payment by eCheck or credit card
You can pay online through your account in JHU SIS. Parent(s)/guardian(s) may be set up as “Authorized Users” by the student to have viewable access to the account. Authorized users access the account and all financial activity on SIS with their own ID and password. Online payments made by e-check require the account and routing numbers located at the bottom of any paper check. In compliance with federal law and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the student is the only person who can grant anyone access to their account. 

Payment by check by mail
Checks for tuition and fees should be made payable to JHU and should include your Hopkins ID number. Please note that your Hopkins ID is not your JHED ID. You can find your Hopkins ID in the upper right-hand corner of SIS. Payments should be mailed to: 

Student Accounts Operations (TPP)
Johns Hopkins University
Garland Hall B33
3400 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218 

Tuition Remission
The Johns Hopkins Tuition Remission Plan may be used to cover tuition fees only; lunch, residential, and lab kit fees are not covered.  Johns Hopkins University employees should contact Human Resources to determine whether they are eligible for the benefit and complete the Dependent Child Tuition Remission Benefit Application. After fees have been posted to the student’s account, please submit an online form to JHU SEAM and upload the completed Tuition Remission Form to have it credited to the student’s account. 

Please follow these screenshot instructions to submit an online form to SEAM and upload the completed Tuition Remission Form to have it credited to the student’s account.   

Payment by wire
Johns Hopkins University contracts with both Flywire and Western Union Business Solutions to accept payments from international students worldwide. You can easily and securely make education payments in your own currency, using local payment methods from the safety and convenience of your home. Each company offers various payment methods, a wide range of international currency options, competitive exchange rates, and the convenience of paying through a local bank.

If you pay by wire transfer, please send a copy of the receipt to [email protected]; this will help JHU Student Accounts to properly allocate the funds.

View our withdrawal and refund policy.

Step 5. Required Forms and Documents

The following forms and documents will need to be completed and returned to the Engineering Innovation Office before a student is considered fully enrolled. Students who have not submitted the required materials will be removed from the program.

There are some post-admission documents that you will access and complete within the Engineering Innovation application portal. These forms will be available to you once you accept the offer of admission.

You will receive an email from our office with additional required online forms. This email will guide you to your CampDoc portal, a secure and user-friendly platform for managing important program documents (e.g., FERPA forms, health forms, allergy/medication details, etc.). While your CampDoc portal and forms are not yet available, we expect to release them soon and will share updates as they become available. Thank you for your patience!



Steps 6 - 10

Johns Hopkins University and the Engineering Innovation program are committed to making all courses, support services, and facilities accessible to students with disabilities. If you will need disability related accommodations, you will need to start the process of requesting accommodations with the [sds.jhu.edu]Student Disability Services (SDS) and provide documentation of your disability as well as your need for accommodations. It is recommended that Engineering Innovation students complete this step as early as possible to ensure there is time to request and implement accommodations.

 Learn about how to get started with student disability services and/or contact Student Disability Services for more information.

Lab Kit Information:

  • Intro to Python Students:
    Students enrolled in the Intro to Python course do not need to order lab kits. Python students should proceed to Step 8.
  • EEI Online and BMEI Online Students:
    Students enrolled in the EEI Online and BMEI Online programs through Engineering Innovation must order a lab kit. This kit contains the materials needed for all experiments and projects.
    These lab kits must be purchased from the external vendor, Quality Science Labs. Information on how to order the required lab supplies from our official vendor will be provided when you receive your offer of admission to the program.

Shipping Lab Kits to Students outside of the Contiguous U.S.
Students outside the United States may be contacted by a customs office to clear the package; a delay in responding to phone calls or emails may result in the lab kit being returned to the shipper.

Students outside of the United States are also responsible for taxes, tariffs or duties that are charged by customs to clear the package in addition to international shipping fees.

Take a moment to review Hopkins Engineering Innovation Policies & Services.