Please follow the steps below to register in your class section.
As an Explore Engineering Innovation Pre-College student, you will be in a section with up to 24 other students. The following instructions guide you through the process of signing up for this section with the Johns Hopkins University registrar. This is similar to the process you would follow if you were an undergraduate at JHU.
Review the browser requirements for the Student Information System (SIS) website:
Go to and click the “Sign In” button
Enter your JHED username and password to proceed.
- Your JHED username will be [email protected](note the missing “u” in where JHEDid is a string of 3-8 characters that typically begins with the first letter of your first name, contains the starting letters of your last name, and ends in a number.
- If you do not know you JHED username or password, see the Online Account Activation Instructions Form in your EI application portal.
- Note: You will be automatically logged out after five minutes of inactivity. Should your session time out, you will need to log in again to complete any unprocessed transactions.
Click on the word “Alerts” in red above the toolbar. This identifies any holds that will prevent you from registering. Provide the missing information, which may include one or more of the following: information for an emergency contact, your permanent address, your permanent phone number, a parent/guardian, a 100‐mile contact, and a missing person contact. Once you have completed what is required, the alert will disappear the next time you log into SIS.
Search for the class.
- Under “Registration”, select “Class Search”. If you are on a mobile device, look for a menu button next to the JHU crest in the upper-left corner.
- Select the appropriate Term from the menu.
- Enter the class number: [this information will be provided in an email from [email protected]]
- Enter the section number: [this information will be provided in an email from [email protected]]. You must register for this section even if there are openings in other sections.
- Click the “Search” button.
Register for the class.
- Identify your section. The far-left column should have your class number with the section number in parenthesis.
- Once you find your class number and section, scroll to the right and select the checkbox in the same row.
- Go to the bottom of the screen and click the “Register” button.
- Select your Grade System, which determines the type of grade that will be reported on your JHU transcript. You can choose between Letter Grade or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U). Click the “Continue” button.Letter grade:
93% ≤ A
90% ≤ A- < 93%
87% ≤ B+ < 90%
83% ≤ B < 87%
80% ≤ B- < 83%
77% ≤ C+ < 80%
73% ≤ C < 77%
70% ≤ C- < 73%
67% ≤ D+ < 70%
63% ≤ D < 67%
F < 63%
Satisfactory is a final grade of 70% or above. Unsatisfactory is a final grade less than 70%. S/U grades have no effect on a student’s grade point average.
You may request to change the grading system by submitting a ticket to SEAM ( before the Change Grading System deadline. To determine the deadline, search for Explore Engineering Innovation under Term Dates & Deadlines at
You should see confirmation that your registration request was submitted. Note that someone from the Engineering Innovation office must approve your registration request. If you select the wrong course number or section, your request will be denied, and you will need to try again.
Additional notes:
- Deadlines to add, drop, withdraw, or change the grading system are posted on the Registrar’s website under Term Dates and Deadlines: Search for Explore Engineering Innovation to see the dates specific to this program.
- You do not need to complete the “Laboratory Safety Introductory Course”.
- If you have any questions, email [email protected].