Take our renowned Explore Engineering Innovation (EEI) program at various locations across the country or enjoy our Sustainable Energy Engineering (SEE) program as a commuter in Baltimore, MD. Come together with fellow STEM-loving students, make life-long friends, and grow academically through our intensive experiences where you’ll tackle hands-on challenges just like an engineer! Each location offers unique amenities.
Explore Engineering Innovation Locations
We plan to offer Explore Engineering Innovation in 2024 at the following commuter locations. Explore the locations below for site-specific information.
Sustainable Energy Engineering Locations
Sustainable Energy Engineering will be offered at three commuter locations in 2024.
“I think being able to commute, where I’m in the comfort of my own home to do homework and not halfway across the country away in a new environment, I could get that comfortability, as well as learning about engineering. ”

Learn about each program or start your application today.