Johns Hopkins Engineering Innovation Hood Residential programs help you prepare for college through an immersive four-week experience in historic Frederick, Maryland. Join fellow STEM-loving students from across the country and around the globe to preview life as an engineering undergraduate!  Hood College is located in Frederick, Maryland, a small city located less than one hour from Baltimore and Washington, DC. It boasts beautiful scenery and a vibrant downtown. Additionally, all residential students attending Explore Engineering Innovation at Hood College will take an excursion to tour JHU’s beautiful Homewood campus in Baltimore, Maryland.


June 30 – July 25, 2025 (move-in day June 29) 

Students will check-in for the residential program on Sunday, June 29 and will be free to leave the afternoon of Friday, July 25. Students who are not able to book travel for Friday, July 25 may stay until Saturday, July 26, but must check out of the residence hall by 9 a.m.

Residential student check-in is from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on June 29, 2025, at Hood campus. We encourage students to arrive during these hours to allow them sufficient time to settle in before floor meetings and dinner. Late check-in after 2 .pm. is available. 

You will be in class from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily with a 45- to 60-minute break for lunch. 

Please note that we cannot accommodate students who arrive before check-in day or after the final Saturday, as no housing is available on campus during these times.


All the Hood College classrooms are located only steps away from the residential buildings. Explore Engineering Innovation classes will be held in the Hodson Science and Technology Center and Rosenstock Hall. 

Your instructors receive JHU faculty appointments to teach your course. They typically have a PhD and teach college-level courses. Local high school teachers, university graduate students, and former EEI students also assist with the classes serving as teaching fellows and teaching assistants. 

Your class will have between 18 and 24 students, with whom you will work closely in teams of up to four to complete engineering projects. Each course has a 12:1 or less student to teacher ratio. 

You will have access to the JHU Sheridan Libraries online resources and the Beneficial-Hodson Library and Learning Commons located on the Hood College campus.  

Planning Your Arrival and Departure

By Car
Students leaving by car can depart any time after the ceremony on July 25, 2025. If a non-parent/guardian will be picking up the student, the parent/guardian will need to complete a form giving us the name and contact information for the adult who will be responsible for the student.

By Train
Students leaving by train should schedule their train for 4:00 p.m. or later on July 25, 2025. We will provide free shuttles to BWI-Marshall Airport. Students who are not able to schedule a train on July 25 should make arrangements with the Engineering Innovation office ( before arrival to be able to remain in the dorm that night. All students must check out of the dorm by 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 26, 2025, and will be transported to the airport by 10:00 a.m.

By Air
Students leaving by airplane should schedule their flight for 4:00 p.m. or later on July 25, 2025. We will provide free shuttles to BWI Airport only. Students who are not able to schedule a flight on July 25 should make arrangements with the Engineering Innovation office ( before arrival to be able to remain in the dorm that night. All students must check out of the dorm by 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 26, 2025, and will be transported to BWI Airport by 10:00 a.m.

Students departing from an airport other than BWI must make their own arrangements for ground transportation.

Please note that we cannot accommodate students who arrive before check-in day; no housing is available on campus for early arrivals.

All Hood Residential students are required to attend Check-In and Orientation on June 29, 2025. Specific instructions for Check-In Day and arrival to campus will be sent closer to the start of the program.

Residential student check-in is from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on June 29, 2025, at Hood campus. We encourage students to arrive during these hours to allow them sufficient time to settle in before floor meetings and dinner. Late check-in after 2 p.m. is available.

At Check-In, you will receive your room and roommate assignment, room key, dorm access card, Student ID card, a campus map and directory, your class section number, and class location. Staff from the Hopkins Engineering Innovation office and Summer Discovery will be there to help and answer questions.


The summer 2024 Handbook and PowerPoint slides are available for reference; updated versions for summer 2025 will be posted in late spring 2025.

  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner (first meal is dinner on move-in day)
  • Room furnishings: XL twin bed, dresser, desk, chair
  • Lanyard, student ID and room key
  • Program t-shirt, backpack, and water bottle
  • Wireless internet
  • Shower curtain in bathroom
  • Trashcan in room
  • Pillow, blanket, and sheets
  • All course materials and supplies


  • Government-issued photo identification (ID) and valid travel documents (if traveling by plane or train)
  • Your medical insurance card
  • Cell phone and charging cord. The phone must have a US phone number.
    • International students are required to have cell phones capable of sending and receiving calls and texts within the U.S.
    • SIM Cards will be available to anyone who may need one.  The participant will be responsible for all associated fees.
  • Long pants, long sleeved shirt, and closed toe shoes for lab days
  • Towels and washcloths. These are not provided
  • Basic Scientific Calculator
  • Notebooks, pens, pencils
  • Facemasks and hand sanitizer
  • Passport (for international students)
  • Prescription medication
  • Sunscreen


  • Laptop computer and charging cord, if you have one
  • Shower shoes and necessary toiletries
  • An umbrella
  • Laundry bag and laundry detergent
  • Clothes hangers
  • Clip-on reading light, for reading in bed
  • Alarm clock.
  • Your own pillow, if you want (a pillow will be provided)
  • A blanket, if you want (a lightweight blanket will be provided)
  • Mattress pad
  • Your camera!
  • Cash for souvenirs (~$50/week)
  • Bathing suit and beach towel for trips & on campus activities
  • Tape, ruler, scissors, flash drive
  • Headphones
  • Frisbee or other sports equipment

  • Electric heater, toaster oven, hot plate, electric grill or skillet
  • Any items with exposed heating elements, candles, or incense
  • Firearms, ammunition, any weapons, bows, guns, BB guns, slingshots, launching devices, knives
  • Alcohol and narcotics
  • Cigarettes, Juuls, vaporizers, or any form of tobacco
  • Expensive jewelry and other valuables

Final day of class and residential check-out day: Friday, July 25, 2025, for most students. All students must check-out of the residence hall by 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 26, 2025.

Your final day of class is Friday, July 25th. On this day, you will participate in the Spaghetti Bridge Ceremony from 9:00 a.m. until approximately noon followed by a luncheon. Depending upon the pandemic situation, your parent(s)/guardian(s), other family members, and guests may attend both the ceremony and the luncheon.

Final Lunch

If the local pandemic conditions will allow, an informal lunch will be available to you and your guests immediately following the ceremony. An email to RSVP will be sent in early July.

By Car
Students leaving by car can depart any time after the ceremony on July 25th. If a non-parent/guardian will be picking up the student, the parent/guardian will need to complete a form giving us the name and contact information for the adult who will be responsible for the student.

By Train
Students leaving by train should schedule their train for 4:00 p.m. or later on July 25th. We will provide free shuttles to BWI-Marshall Airport. Students who are not able to schedule a train on July 25th should make arrangements with the Engineering Innovation office ([email protected]) before arrival to be able to remain in the dorm that night. All students must check out of the dorm by 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 26th and will be transported to the airport by 10:00 a.m.

By Air
Students leaving by airplane should schedule their flight for 4:00 p.m. or later on July 25th. We will provide free shuttles to BWI airport only. Students who are not able to schedule a flight on July 25th should make arrangements with the Engineering Innovation office ([email protected]) before arrival to be able to remain in the dorm that night. All students must check out of the dorm by 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 26th and will be transported to BWI airport by 10:00 a.m.

Students departing from an airport other than BWI must make their own arrangements for ground transportation.

Student Life

As a residential student, you will live on campus in one of Hood College’s conveniently located residence halls.

The residential portion of your program is run by Summer Discovery. They provide live-in Residential Directors and Residential Coordinators (RCs) who will arrange a variety of supervised fun and enriching social activities for your evenings and weekends. We are carefully monitoring the pandemic, so evening and weekend activities are subject to change depending upon JHU requirements and local conditions. Saturday field trips may include a trip to Washington, DC, Hershey Park, and the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center. All residential students attending EEI at Hood College will visit the JHU Homewood Campus in Baltimore. Evening and Sunday activities may include shopping trips, movies, karaoke, and much more!  

Making new friends is an important part of your experience, so specific roommate requests cannot be accommodated. Roommate assignments will be released at check-in day upon arrival to campus.  

 You will live with other high school students attending our program, generally two to four a room. Roommates are assigned by the Summer Discovery residential staff. We will follow JHU’s housing practice of assigning students to rooms based on gender. Should this not meet your needs, please contact us when you submit your enrollment forms.  Please contact the EI Office at [email protected].

All meals are included in your residential package, beginning with evening dinner on check-in day and ending with breakfast on check-out day. Residential students will be eating at the Hood College Dining Hall during their stay on campus.  The dining hall does not offer Kosher or Halal meals, but vegetarian and vegan options are available. For more information, contact Hood College Dining Services. You’ll share any dietary allergies or restrictions when filling out your application forms.   

In the residence halls, you will be supervised by a team consisting of Residential Directors and Residential Coordinators. Instructors and teaching staff supervise you during class time. Residential Directors and Counselors will supervise you during evening and weekend activities. You are not escorted to/from the dorm and class or the dining halls, library, or athletic center. You are free to walk the campus home area which includes the Hood College campus and the College Park Plaza shopping area. There are several restaurants, a grocery store, coffee shop, pharmacy, and bank within this shopping plaza.  You are not permitted to leave this home area. 

Enjoy a good breakfast in the campus dining hall prior to class. Class starts at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. There will be a break for lunch in which you can go to the campus cafeteria.   

 After class, you can use the campus athletic facilities, do homework, or relax. Dinner in the campus cafeteria is from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.; you can go anytime within that range.  

 After dinner, you can relax, do homework, or participate in activities organized by the Summer Discovery residential staff – take in a movie, enjoy some karaoke, have a good time playing games, and more.  

On Saturdays, you will go on a field trip with the Summer Discovery residential staff. In past years, students have gone to the National Mall in Washington, DC, Hershey Park, the Udvar-Hazy Center, and local state parks.  


Residential students are not permitted to bring a car to campus. 

Student Name
Engineering Innovation Program
401 Rosemont Ave. 
Frederick, MD 21701 

You will be busy making friends and enjoying the evening and weekend activities provided by the residential staff, so we encourage students to limit their time away from campus. If you need to spend time off campus, please have your parent/guardian complete the Permission to Leave Campus Form and return it to our office at [email protected]. 

Health and Wellness

We recognize that health and wellness is an essential part of supporting our students, so we aim to provide important services to help.

The Hodson Fitness Center will have open hours for Engineering Innovation students. These hours will vary daily and be posted before the program starts. Please note that the swimming pool in the Fitness Center will only be available for scheduled group sessions.

Students requiring medical assistance will be escorted to a local urgent care facility or to the Frederick Health Hospital which is located adjacent to the Hood College campus.  


Please familiarize yourself with our Hopkins Engineering Innovation Pre-College Policies & Services.


Learn about each program or start your application today.